| Exhibition view. Palestine c/o Venice - (17 clicks)
Edited by Jeff on Oct. 27 2009, in 2009 - Mémoires agissantes - Taysir Batniji
| la BANK - (21 clicks)
Edited by Jeff on Oct. 27 2009, in 2009 - Mémoires agissantes - Taysir Batniji
| Nos réalités - Le Quartier, Centre d'art contemporain de Quimper - (17 clicks)
Edited by Jeff on Oct. 27 2009, in 2009 - Mémoires agissantes - Taysir Batniji
| Transit - (13 clicks)
Edited by Jeff on Oct. 27 2009, in 2009 - Mémoires agissantes - Taysir Batniji
| event.php
Edited by Jeff on Oct. 27 2009, in 2009 - Soirée Écrasement Facial - D.V. Associates & ATR Corporation
| commonbox : Soutien aux actions du Syndicat Potentiel Strasbourg - (47 clicks)
Edited by Jeff on Oct. 20 2009, in Liste des artistes
| Untitled Document - (48 clicks)
Edited by Jeff on Oct. 17 2009, in 2009 - Intuitions fantasques - Sébastien Schmitt, Ila Firouzabadi & Skander Zouaoui
| Zouaoui Skander - (39 clicks)
Edited by Jeff on Oct. 17 2009, in 2009 - Intuitions fantasques - Sébastien Schmitt, Ila Firouzabadi & Skander Zouaoui
| home : e
Edited by Jeff on Oct. 16 2009, in 2009 - Encastrable à Dublin - Antoine Lejolivet et Paul Souviron
| imoca - irish museum of contemporary art :: Echantillons - A Selection of French Contemporary Art - (20 clicks)
Edited by Jeff on Oct. 16 2009, in 2009 - Encastrable à Dublin - Antoine Lejolivet et Paul Souviron
| www.encastrable.net
Edited by Jeff on Oct. 16 2009, in 2009 - Encastrable à Dublin - Antoine Lejolivet et Paul Souviron
| www.encastrable.net
Edited by Jeff on Oct. 16 2009, in 2009 - Encastrable à Dublin - Antoine Lejolivet et Paul Souviron
| cdupaquier.blogspot.com
Edited by Jeff on Aug. 25 2009, in 1998 - j.e.v.o.u.l.a.i.s.v.o.u.s.d.i.r.e. - Cécile Dupaquier
| Google Maps
Edited by Jeff on Aug. 24 2009, in Anciennes Coordonnées / Accès
| Galerie Marion Meyer, Expositions, Iris Duprey - (37 clicks)
Edited by Jeff on Aug. 23 2009, in 2009 - I Haven't Seen The Place I've Looked At - Deborah Farnault, Emmanuelle Giora + guests-
| Galerie Marion Meyer, Paris, Art Moderne et Contemporain - (17 clicks)
Edited by Jeff on Aug. 23 2009, in 2009 - I Haven't Seen The Place I've Looked At - Deborah Farnault, Emmanuelle Giora + guests-
| Site/Outset
Edited by Jeff on Aug. 23 2009, in 2009 - I Haven't Seen The Place I've Looked At - Deborah Farnault, Emmanuelle Giora + guests-
| title
Edited by Jeff on Aug. 23 2009, in 2009 - I Haven't Seen The Place I've Looked At - Deborah Farnault, Emmanuelle Giora + guests-
| Untitled Document
Edited by Jeff on Aug. 23 2009, in 2009 - I Haven't Seen The Place I've Looked At - Deborah Farnault, Emmanuelle Giora + guests-
| pointbarre bordeaux - (15 clicks)
Edited by Jeff on June 9 2009, in 2009 - Intervention d'Anne Laure Boyer - Atelier d'anticipation économique
| Loin des clichés officiels - Sommet de l’Otan - Blogs DNA - (73 clicks)
Edited by Jeff on May 19 2009, in 2009 - Tourisme « costagavrien » - Latourex
| frenchflavour, atelier Flavour, Art, Strasbourg, Charlie Chabrier, Carlos de Figueir - (33 clicks)
Edited by Jeff on May 19 2009, in 2009 - DVD Project* : plate-forme internationale d'Art vidéo
| index - (38 clicks)
Edited by Jeff on May 19 2009, in 2009 - DVD Project* : plate-forme internationale d'Art vidéo
| Nawras Shalhoub - (28 clicks)
Edited by Jeff on May 19 2009, in 2009 - DVD Project* : plate-forme internationale d'Art vidéo
| Selma Lepart Art Work - (24 clicks)
Edited by Jeff on May 19 2009, in 2009 - DVD Project* : plate-forme internationale d'Art vidéo
| Site Internet de Clément Cogitore - (26 clicks)
Edited by Jeff on May 19 2009, in 2009 - DVD Project* : plate-forme internationale d'Art vidéo
| Site Internet de Clément Cogitore - (22 clicks)
Edited by Jeff on May 19 2009, in 2009 - DVD Project* : plate-forme internationale d'Art vidéo
| Pierre BERTHET - (59 clicks)
Edited by Jeff on Apr. 17 2009, in 2009 - Réverbes : Performance et espaces sonores - Pierre Berthet et Thomas Trichot
| nicolas zimny
Edited by Jeff on Apr. 5 2009, in 2009 - Illusions - Nicolas Zimny
| Forge Gabriel Goerger
Edited by Jeff on Mar. 9 2009, in 2009 - Intervention de Gabriel Goerger - Atelier d'anticipation économique